EV/Hybrid Inventory
VIN: 1C4HJXEN2LW195436
Stock #: LW195436
57,162 mi.
VIN: 1N4CZ1CV4SC566525
Stock #: SC566525
VIN: 3FTTW8H32SRA46506
Stock #: SRA46506
Stock #: SU132038
Stock #: SU143672
Stock #: 3FTTW8H3XSRA57110
Stock #: JS039597
74,442 mi.
VIN: 1C4JJXP67PW699090
Stock #: PW699090
45,529 mi.
VIN: 1C4JJXP64PW627439
Stock #: PW627439
52,077 mi.
VIN: 1HGCV3F90MA014083
Stock #: MA014083
26,066 mi.
VIN: KM8S5DA15NU018739
Stock #: NU018739
35,582 mi.
Stock #: LW197984
59,454 mi.
Stock #: ND050060
90,166 mi.
Stock #: SU059355
6,081 mi.
Stock #: LS503152
67,752 mi.
VIN: 1C4JJXN64PW641182
Stock #: PW641182
38,651 mi.
VIN: KNDPU3DG3S7202627
Stock #: S7202627
VIN: 1C6SRFFT2MN771613
Stock #: MN771613
66,609 mi.
VIN: KNDPU3DG5S7202628
Stock #: S7202628
VIN: 3FTTW8H31RRA11465
Stock #: RRA11465
VIN: 7FARS5H54PE007001
Stock #: PE007001
24,202 mi.
VIN: KNDPU3DG0S7184751
Stock #: S7184751
VIN: KNDPU3DG9S7205077
Stock #: S7205077
Stock #: SUA47784
*Manufacturer’s Rebates shown above are subject to residency restrictions. Any customer not meeting the residency restriction will receive a dealer discount in the same amount of the manufacturer rebate. Accessories and color may vary. Quoted price subject to change without notice to correct errors or omissions. This is an individualized price quote and is valid solely in connection with a purchase by you, the recipient. Price may already include applicable manufacturer incentives which may expire at any time. Manufacturer incentive data and vehicle features is provided by third parties and believed to be accurate as of the time of publication. Please contact the store by email or phone for details and availability of incentives. Sales tax or other taxes, tag, license, title, registration fees, and government fees is not included in quoted price. All used inventory prices, specifications, and availability subject to change without notice. Prices do not include additional fees and costs of closing, government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer documentation fees, any emissions testing fees or other fees. Pricing excludes connected & protected” fee of $2,495. See Dealer for Full Details.
Clay Cooley is not responsible for mispricing, typographical, data transmission, or any and all other errors that may appear on the site. If the advertised price is incorrect or inaccurate Clay Cooley will update the price as soon as it becomes aware. Clay Cooley maintains the right to refuse or not honor any price listed erroneously. Vehicle prices are subject to change at all times, do not include adds or other fees, and may be subject to a Market Adjustment that is not reflected in the advertised price.