Used Inventory
VIN: 5NPE34AF4HH484146
Stock #: HH484146
171,325 mi.
VIN: 1FADP3H25HL272161
Stock #: HL272161
133,329 mi.
VIN: JN8AT2MT1HW389644
Stock #: HW389644
105,945 mi.
VIN: JA4AP4AW2HZ066108
Stock #: HZ066108
104,000 mi.
VIN: 3FA6P0H74HR336873
Stock #: HR336873
80,205 mi.
VIN: 1C4RDHDG4HC724169
Stock #: HC724169
181,261 mi.
VIN: 5N1DR2MN6HC911478
Stock #: HC911478
157,075 mi.
Stock #: HJ238351
119,963 mi.
VIN: 1FM5K7D85HGB52038
Stock #: HGB52038
137,621 mi.
VIN: 3C3CFFKR5HT699705
Stock #: HT699705
55,439 mi.
VIN: KM8J33A40HU300555
Stock #: HU300555
91,677 mi.
VIN: 1G6AB5RX7H0118847
Stock #: H0118847
114,219 mi.
Stock #: HG403509
91,958 mi.
VIN: 1N4AA6AP9HC369570
Stock #: HC369570
117,430 mi.
VIN: 2GKALMEK7H6176404
Stock #: H6176404
67,990 mi.
VIN: 1FA6P8TH7H5247218
Stock #: H5247218
112,836 mi.
VIN: 1N6AA1R76HN524546
Stock #: HN524546
80,254 mi.
VIN: 1G1FX6S0XH4183345
Stock #: H4183345
23,293 mi.
VIN: WMWXP7C50H2A44977
Stock #: H2A44977
64,134 mi.
VIN: 1C4RJFAG6HC728922
Stock #: HC728922
100,000 mi.
Stock #: HZ239242A
95,774 mi.
Stock #: HP598003B
57,508 mi.
VIN: 1C4RDHDG9HC600768
Stock #: HC600768A
95,202 mi.
VIN: 5N1AT2MV4HC745160
Stock #: HC745160
54,170 mi.
*Manufacturer’s Rebates shown above are subject to residency restrictions. Any customer not meeting the residency restriction will receive a dealer discount in the same amount of the manufacturer rebate. Accessories and color may vary. Quoted price subject to change without notice to correct errors or omissions. This is an individualized price quote and is valid solely in connection with a purchase by you, the recipient. Price may already include applicable manufacturer incentives which may expire at any time. Manufacturer incentive data and vehicle features is provided by third parties and believed to be accurate as of the time of publication. Please contact the store by email or phone for details and availability of incentives. Sales tax or other taxes, tag, license, title, registration fees, and government fees is not included in quoted price. All used inventory prices, specifications, and availability subject to change without notice. Prices do not include additional fees and costs of closing, government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer documentation fees, any emissions testing fees or other fees. Pricing excludes connected & protected” fee of $2,495. See Dealer for Full Details.
Clay Cooley is not responsible for mispricing, typographical, data transmission, or any and all other errors that may appear on the site. If the advertised price is incorrect or inaccurate Clay Cooley will update the price as soon as it becomes aware. Clay Cooley maintains the right to refuse or not honor any price listed erroneously. Vehicle prices are subject to change at all times, do not include adds or other fees, and may be subject to a Market Adjustment that is not reflected in the advertised price.